
Change the LOCAL administrator password on Client PC's on a Network and Domain Network.


Systems administrators that manage local administrative accounts on multiple computers regularly need to change the account password as part of standard security practices. PsPasswd is a tool that lets you change an account password on the local or remote systems, enabling administrators to create batch files that run PsPasswd against the computers they manage in order to perform a mass change of the administrator password.

Using PsPasswd:
You can use PsPasswd to change the password of a local or domain account on the local or a remote computer.

usage: pspasswd [[\\computer[,computer[,..] | @file [-u user [-p psswd]]] Username [NewPassword]

computer Perform the command on the remote computer or computers specified. If you omit the computer name the command runs on the local system, and if you specify a wildcard (\\*), the command runs on all computers in the current domain.

@file Run the command on each computer listed in the text file specified.
-u Specifies optional user name for login to remote computer.
-p Specifies optional password for user name. If you omit this you will be prompted to enter a hidden password.

Username Specifies name of account for password change.
NewPassword New password. If omitted a NULL password is applied


  • 1.I unzipped the TO MY C:\ drive so there is a folder in the C:\drive like so "C:\PsTools".

  • NOTE: You will have to create two text files, InputIp.txt (type in all IP addresses of the PCs including servers you want to change the admnistrator password) file and PassReset.txt (this is the text file that has logged all the changes). Keep these text files in the same folder PsTools.

  • 2.Open a command prompt windows and go to that directory "C:\PsTools" without the quotes.
  • 3.Make sure in the command window that you are in the C:\PsTools location in the command window
  • 4.Type in or copy the following into the DOS prompt without the quotes(most of this will work, you may have to rename your files "pspasswd @testfile.txt -u corp\administrator -p  76hytk9@m Administrator StarWars2 > PassReset.txt"


These are the different scripts you can type into a DOS command prompt. Make sure that you have the right text files in the same folder that you want to have the data populated in. For example @testfile.txt could be myiplist.txt and the PassReset.txt is the text file with the completed password reset for the computers that are successful.

@testfile.txt (this is the file that you put all your IP addresses into, one under another.

pspasswd @testfile.txt -u corp\administrator -p CurrentPassword Administrator NewPassWord > PassReset.txt

pspasswd @testfile.txt -u corp\administrator -p 76hytk9@m Administrator StarWars2 > PassReset.txt

pspasswd @bb.txt -u corp\administrator -p 76hytk9@m Administrator StarWars2 > PassReset.txt


PsTools folder with contents in C: drive

CMD window and in PsTools folder, MINIMIZE for now.

Showing the two text files made for PsTools to work, these are NOT part of the PsTools package. Remember, YOU need to create these, just make a txt file and name it inputip and the other txt file PassReset. Both txt files can be blank at this point.

Type in your IP addresses into the inputip.txt file, I have a very short list, you may have a couple hundred.

This is what the command line should look like in the command prompt window.

I am changing from my current password of starWars1978 to the NEW password of EmpireStrikesBack1980

Below is what happens while it is running, you will get errors, THIS IS NORMAL, DON'T WORRY.

Ok, below screenshot is the PassReset.txt file with the results of the password changes. In this example, IP was changed, and was not changed because there may not have been a PC on at the time or its a device such as a printer.

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